Friday, October 4, 2013

Week of October 7th

    THANK YOU to Chris Inman and Mrs. Peggy for helping in our Language Arts centers!  I am not sure who had more fun, the adults or the kids.
   The school has scheduled for parent conferences to be this coming Thursday.  I will be unable to do conferences on Thursday.  I know I talk to many of you weekly whether it is through email, text, or face-to-face.  Please let me know if you would like to schedule a parent conference.

Here are a few reminders:
-  PE Monday!  Wear your BDS athletic wear.
-  Fall Break begins at 12:00 on Thursday and we will not return back to school until Tuesday. :)
-  Please make sure your child has the chapter book, "The Mystery at Big Ben" by Carole Marsh.  The best way to get this book is by downloading it through ibooks on their Ipads.  We will begin reading this book on October 15th.

Here is a sneak peek at our SHORT week:

Language Arts:  This week, we will be reviewing nouns, verbs, and pronouns through some hands-on games.  We will also continue working on writing sentences through a "Crazy" activity.

Reading:  This week, we will be reading the book "This is London" by M. Sasek.  We will also begin a whole-group research project on all the things we "see" through our United Kingdom unit.  The students will be creating a memory luggage to record our research.  Inside the luggage will be pictures and writings of facts they learn in class and through conceptual.  I would love for the kids to have stickers to represent this unit.  I know Hobby Lobby has some in the scrapbook area.  Please let me know if you are willing to pick some up for us.

Spelling:  We will not have a spelling test this week.  However, we will be have a spelling dictation test on words they have already been assessed on.  The purpose of this test is for the students to demonstrate they can write a complete sentence with correctly spelled first grade words, capitalize, and punctuate.  The test will be given on Wednesday.

Here are the sentences they will be required to write:
1.  The animal was found in the rain.
2.  I will shout my new name.
3.  The bright boy could not sing.
4.  Next Friday, we will go to the zoo.
5.  What blue thing will you bring?

Math:  We will continue learning subtraction strategies this week.  Please make sure you are practicing their math facts each night.

Science:  We needed a little more time last week to finish our animal books.  Therefore, we were unable to get to our lessons on the brain and nervous system.  We will begin these lessons this week.  Be prepared to hear interesting facts about the brain!

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