Friday, January 31, 2014

Week of February 3rd

I hope you enjoyed our "winter sabbatical"!  The kiddos wrote AMAZING sentences to tell the class what they did during their time off.  I am so thankful to be back at school!!!

Here are a few reminders:
-  Wear BDS P.E. attire on Monday.
-  Our book for the next unit is "Thea Stilton and the Prince's Emerald" by Geronimo Stilton.  If you ordered a book, please make sure to send $7.50 to Deleta as soon as possible. 
-  Please make sure to return library books on Thursday.

Here is a sneak peek at our week:

Language Arts:  This week, we will begin reading our new chapter book, "Thea Stilton and the Prince's Emerald" by Geronimo Stilton.  We will begin making predictions about our story through a writing assignment.  The students will be focusing on penmanship and writing in paragraphs from now til the end of the year.  I will also be introducing contractions this week.  I have some fun hands-on games that will give the students an opportunity to understand and use contractions in how they speak and write.

Spelling:  I will be changing things up a bit with our spelling words.  All year I have been pulling words from a second grade list, our books, the kids handwriting samples, and from the unit.  I will be sending home a list of 40 words that the students can choose from.  They will be responsible for choosing 10 words that they want to learn how to spell.  The list of words vary from being on grade-level to being very challenging.  I will assess each child individually on Friday.  We will no longer have a practice test on Thursday.  My goal is for every child to be apart of a learning environment that challenges them in every area.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  

Math:  The students began learning about fractions before we left on our "winter sabbatical."  We will continue our lessons on fractions and I will also be supplementing them with more challenging skills.  I truly feel like the students are needing MORE than what our books offer.  If your child masters the above grade level assignment, it will be reflected on their report cards.  They will have a test on Wednesday.

Science:  We have a lot of catching up to do!  I hope to continue our lessons on the different types of rocks.  The kids will wrap up these lessons with making their very own sedimentary rocks.

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